Cecilia Santini joins the Louis Zamperini Foundations UNBROKEN CURRICULUM Advisory Committee

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We are very pleased to announce that Cecilia Santini has joined us as an advisory committee member of the Unbroken Curriculum. Cecilia combines extensive experience serving students as a Professional School Counselor with United Independent School District for over 16 years. Cecilia is currently working with students at the Residential Facilities and Juvenile Detention Center. Her working familiarity includes procedures that involve assisting students with their overall educational, career and personal goals.

Cecilia is a Licensed Professional Counselor, her knowledge in theories and practices have afforded her a seat at the table alongside multi-disciplinary teams who aim to break the cycle of abuse. She previously served children as a Registered Play Therapist at the Webb County Children’s Advocacy Center in Laredo.

Cecilia continuously uses her skill-set to provide students the opportunity to acquire the mechanisms and tools to sharpen their coping skills and in so doing  she strives to offer them opportunities to be better prepared in overcoming life’s greatest obstacles. She believes there is nothing more uplifting and edifying for a family and a community than a young person who understands their purpose in life and who works towards developing their God-given gifts and talents to be a help to others.

Cecilia loves doing life with her husband, Richard and their 3 children.